Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Woodland Hills braces - The benefits of braces

Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist Leaving basic dental problems untreated only causes the problems to get worse and cause teeth that are in good condition also go bad. If the alignment of one’s teeth are off they will only become worse as the teeth shift every night. It is important to fix the problem as soon as one has all their mature adult teeth. Some people may be hesitant to get braces because they may seem as a hassle or even be too embarrassed of how they would look with braces but the fact is that the long term benefits of braces are well worth their price and there looks. Woodland Hills braces will provide a straight row of teeth a beautiful smile and an improved self-esteem.

One of the many benefits of braces is that they align the teeth and better alignment helps to overcome tooth decay, gum problems, tooth loss and severe orthodontic issues. The most common orthodontic issues are crowded teeth, protruded teeth, spaced teeth, buck teeth, widely spaced teeth, over bite, under bite, cross bite. All of these orthodontic problems are fixed with braces. Leading Woodland Hills cosmetic dentists say there are many orthodontic options to prevent these problems from arising.

The different types of orthodontics braces include traditional metal braces, ceramics braces and clear plastic braces. Metal braces are often used for the treatment of children and teenagers. Treatment with clear ceramic braces or clear plastic braces are often an adults choice so the braces, so they are less noticeable. All of these braces align the teeth as well traditional braces do. Top of the line Tarzana cosmetic dentist say the duration of time in which a person must have braces is individualized to their specific situation.

Depending on the extent of one’s over or under bite and or crowding their braces will be suggested for the amount of time needed to fix the problem. Encino dentist and orthodontic specialist must give close attention to the particular problems of each patient. The orthodontic dentist must analyze the patient’s problem and then decide on the correct and most effective orthodontic treatment. The average duration of braces is two to three years. Braces are costly, but most orthodontist has a payment plan option to make braces more accessible and affordable. Braces range in price depending on location and what ones insurance may cover. The average cost for braces are about $2000.00 and depending on how long one my need them the cost is more.


  1. Thanks for sharing this. I have a good dentist who works with the Invisalign system of my braces - these are clear retainer-like things that you wear all the time. Love 'it.

    Honey from full coverage dental plans.com


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