Tuesday, March 31, 2009

If you have missing teeth, did you know that you are losing bone?

According to Encino cosmetic dentist, losing one or more of your teeth starts a chain of events that can have dire physical and cosmetic consequences, and the most obvious result of this is a gap in your smile. Less obvious is the loss of chewing function and the inability to eat a complete diet. While these are certainly serious issues, a potentially bigger problem lies hidden beneath the surface: bone loss.

Without the tooth to stimulate the jaw, the bone beneath it will begin to atrophy in the same way that muscle underneath a cast gets smaller. Your facial bone supports the skin and muscles on top of it, so the loss of bone volume can result in the premature aging of your face. Dental implants offer a long-term solution to stop bone loss and help you maintain a healthy, youthful appearance both inside and out says Tarzana cosmetic dentist.

The conventional treatment options for tooth replacement such as Crown and Bridge and full or partial dentures address the short-term cosmetic problem of missing teeth, but do nothing to prevent further loss of bone and its long-term effects. In addition, Dr. Gevik Marcarian, cosmetic dentist Encino says that Crown and Bridge techniques require that two or more healthy teeth be ground down to serve as anchors for a bridge, leaving those healthy teeth at greater risk for cavities and endodontic failure. If those teeth fail, more healthy teeth must be sacrificed to serve as anchors while you continue to lose bone beneath the bridge, so you can see the potential for persistent dental problems.

On the contrary, Dental Implants allow your healthy teeth to remain intact, and like natural teeth, they transmit chewing forces to the jaw, stimulating it and halting the process of bone loss associated with missing teeth.

Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist says that modern Dental Implants make use of Titanium, beneficial because it is not only lightweight and strong, but also because it is not rejected by the body. Most Dental Implants are titanium screws which are placed into the jaw bone in a relatively pain-free procedure. Implant placement is less traumatic than extraction of teeth. The implant will then serve as an anchor for a custom-made tooth crown that will be attached to it, and once the crown is in place, it will be virtually impossible to tell it apart from your natural teeth.

What can you expect?

Your Dental Implant treatment can be broken down into four phases:

s Treatment Planning

s Implant Placement

s Crown Placement

s Hygiene Maintenance

X-rays will be taken and a model of your existing teeth will be created to determine how the implant should be placed. Occasionally a bone or gum tissue graft may be needed to provide an adequate site for placement. The implant will then be placed in the bone and given time to heal before attachment of the crown, though in some cases you can receive a temporary crown the same day. The final crown is usually placed 3-6 months after implant placement.

The most important role you will play in ensuring the long-term success of your implant is maintaining your dental hygiene. You will receive specific instructions for brushing and flossing the area and will be placed on a regular check-up cycle. Although dental implants may sometimes have a higher initial cost than conventional treatment options, studies have shown that they have a lower lifetime cost which can be spread out over the course of your treatment. And considering that implants help you to maintain bone and protect your youthful appearance, the results will be priceless.

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sedation Dentistry – It is for real

It has been ages since I have last visited a dentist. It is a lot due to my fear of the unknown, in this case specifically the dentist office. I am not alone. Ask any Beverly Hills or Encino Cosmetic Dentist and they say that a majority of their patients are squeamish when it comes to dentists.

One type of treatment gaining traction in at least my friends’ circles is sedation dentistry. As per a leading Cosmetic Dentist Encino and Van Nuys based patients are now increasingly frequenting his state of art center, primarily because they can sleep through the procedure.

The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Take the stress and worry out of visiting the dentist. People with a real phobia of visiting the dentist can now have the treatment that they would normally have put off, when they need it. This positively affects that patient's health, and even their appearance.

I had heard of sleeping while making money.. but sleeping while my Los Angeles Tooth Whitening procedure is completed? Now that’s what I call progress.

I have white coat syndrome too. Maybe they can take my blood pressure when they are at it.

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.

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Does your dentist check for oral cancer?

If not, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment for a check-up as soon as possible says Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist. The oral cancer foundation facts show that more than 34,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year. It will also cause 8,000 deaths, killing roughly 1 person per hour, 24 hours per day. Of those 34,000 newly diagnosed individuals, only half will be alive in 5 years. This is a number which has not significantly improved in decades. The death rate for oral cancer is higher than that of cancers which we normally hear about routinely such as cervical cancer, laryngeal cancer, cancer of the testes, endocrine system cancers such as thyroid or skin cancer.

During a dental exam, Encino cosmetic dentist Dr. Marcarian makes sure to check his patients’ neck and oral tissues for lumps, red or white patches or recurring sore areas. Screening for early changes in the oral tissue can help detect at a stage when it can be more successfully treated. Tarzana cosmetic dentist says that usually only 15 percent of dentists actually do an oral cancer screening, however it should be standard care. In some cases, even the exams are difficult because by the time something is found, it’s too late.

Whether you are going to too see your Woodland Hills braces dentist for a regular visit or simply check up on a toothache make sure to ask if your dentist to check for oral cancer, if they haven’t already done so.

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.