Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tarzana teeth whitening - Keeping good oral hygiene

Woodland Hills dental implantsAlthough it’s not the most important thing in the world having a brilliant smile is important to most. Good teeth can open several windows of opportunity. Good teeth often mean that one has the ability to smile with confidence. Those who don’t have the ability to smile with confidence often times don’t smile at all. Covering ones mouth as they speak is never an option as an adult, so one must see to it that their teeth are healthy and sparkly. It is important to make sure that one’s dental health is up to par and also to teach their children about their dental health so as they become older they have no serious dental problems, and won’t have to spend large amount of money on Woodland Hills dental implants and other cosmetic dental procedures that often times are not covered by insurance.

To keep good dental hygiene one should brush and floss their teeth daily. If one cannot managed to brush daily rinsing with mouth wash may be easier. There is nothing that one can do to prevent their teeth from growing in crocked or having an under or over bite, but if the dentist suggest that one should get braces he or she should follow the dentist orders. Encino cosmetic braces have several benefits. Although some people may need braces for years the long term effects of benefit is what most people long for. Braces are also great in pushing children and both adult to keep good dental hygiene such as brushing their teeth so food and particles are not stuck in their braces visible to others.

Another reason for keeping good dental hygiene is white teeth. Stained yellow teeth can be embarrassing and although there are several ways to whiten the teeth keeping a good brushing routine can help to keep the teeth pearly white and shiny. The best time of the day to brush ones teeth is at night but if one would like to keep the teeth white and the cavities away leading Woodland Hills cosmetic dentists suggest brushing and flossing after every meal. If ones teeth are coffee stained or stained yellow because of cigarettes professional teeth whitening at Tarzana teeth whitening can often guarantee shades lighter. One should also ask their dentist what tooth paste they recommend for the whitest teeth.

Keeping good oral hygiene does not only ensure a perfect smile but can help one steer clear of other health diseases and infections.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Encino dentist - Cosmetic Dentistry procedures

Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist Cosmetic dentist do a lot more than fix the aesthetic appeal of the teeth because it takes a lot more than great teeth to make the prefect smile. Leading Encino cosmetic dentist know that the lips, frontal form, and lateral all contribute and are all as important to having that radiant smile everyone wishes for. Many people chose to repair teeth, as they are one of the most easily visible assets of the face. There are a number of techniques one can explore with the advice of their cosmetic dentist. These techniques include: Dental implants, bonding, veneers, bridges, and crowns.

Most of these options not only restore whatever may be wrong with the tooth or teeth by replacing or fixing but they also provide Woodland Hills teeth whitening, by applying a substance over the tooth or a tooth where the missing that is tooth colored. Some patients fear that there may be nothing Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist can do for their damaged teeth, but that in fact is not true. There is a solution for every dental problem in the cosmetic dentistry field. If ones teeth are too badly damaged to salvage with things like bonding and it is too risky to employ a bridge or dentures dental implants will be the answer to one’s problem.

The reasons dentures or bridges may be too risky for a patient is because they tend to cause other problems in the mouth. Bridges tend to make the teeth that they are clinging on loosen eventually falling and leaving the patient with less teeth. Dentures can be very inconvenient as they sometimes making clicking noises as one speaks and may even fall off while speaking. Many Encino dentist believe dental implants are the best option for a person who has lost their teeth. Dental implants are said to feel and look like natural teeth. They are also, rooted to the bone so they are the most permanent options sometimes lasting patients a life time. The implantation process does take several weeks and visits to the dentist, but they are said to be well worth it. For patients with cracked and stain teeth many dentist recommend bonding. Bonding is the use of a tooth colored substance that is put over the teeth making them whiter brighter while also feeling in the cracks.

Before deciding on any procedure ones cosmetic dentist will converse with their patient what they believe will be best for their situation. Patients must be very realistic about their procedure and what the dentist can achieve, often times the reason patients are unhappy is because of their expectations.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Woodland Hills braces - The benefits of braces

Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist Leaving basic dental problems untreated only causes the problems to get worse and cause teeth that are in good condition also go bad. If the alignment of one’s teeth are off they will only become worse as the teeth shift every night. It is important to fix the problem as soon as one has all their mature adult teeth. Some people may be hesitant to get braces because they may seem as a hassle or even be too embarrassed of how they would look with braces but the fact is that the long term benefits of braces are well worth their price and there looks. Woodland Hills braces will provide a straight row of teeth a beautiful smile and an improved self-esteem.

One of the many benefits of braces is that they align the teeth and better alignment helps to overcome tooth decay, gum problems, tooth loss and severe orthodontic issues. The most common orthodontic issues are crowded teeth, protruded teeth, spaced teeth, buck teeth, widely spaced teeth, over bite, under bite, cross bite. All of these orthodontic problems are fixed with braces. Leading Woodland Hills cosmetic dentists say there are many orthodontic options to prevent these problems from arising.

The different types of orthodontics braces include traditional metal braces, ceramics braces and clear plastic braces. Metal braces are often used for the treatment of children and teenagers. Treatment with clear ceramic braces or clear plastic braces are often an adults choice so the braces, so they are less noticeable. All of these braces align the teeth as well traditional braces do. Top of the line Tarzana cosmetic dentist say the duration of time in which a person must have braces is individualized to their specific situation.

Depending on the extent of one’s over or under bite and or crowding their braces will be suggested for the amount of time needed to fix the problem. Encino dentist and orthodontic specialist must give close attention to the particular problems of each patient. The orthodontic dentist must analyze the patient’s problem and then decide on the correct and most effective orthodontic treatment. The average duration of braces is two to three years. Braces are costly, but most orthodontist has a payment plan option to make braces more accessible and affordable. Braces range in price depending on location and what ones insurance may cover. The average cost for braces are about $2000.00 and depending on how long one my need them the cost is more.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tarzana braces - All the parts of braces

Tarzana braces
Having crocked teeth is the sources of many peoples self esteem issues. It is better to have ones teeth fixed sooner than later, but even if one chooses later on their life to fix their teeth braces may still be an option. If a persons teeth are crocked or the person has an over or under bite leading Tarzana dentist may refer their patient to an orthodontist in order to correctly align their teeth. The orthodontist will asks questions about ones current health, conduct a clinical exam, gather impressions of the teeth and order x-rays of ones mouth and head. Based on the analysis the orthodontist retrieves a treatment plan is made.

In some rare cases a removable retainer is all that is needed, but in other cases especially where there is an extreme under or over bite surgery may be necessary; however, in most cases braces are needed. There are two options for braces available, traditional metal braces which consists of wires and other fixed or removable corrective appliances, and then there are invisible braces.

Leading cosmetic dentist Encino inform that leading braces work by applying continuous pressure over a long period of time to slowly move teeth in a specific direction. As the teeth move, the bony tooth changes shape as pressure is applied. Encino cosmetic braces consist of:
  • Brackets: brackets are the small squares that are bonded to the front of each tooth with a special bonding agent or are attached to orthodontic bands, these brackets hold the arch wire that move the teeth. There are several types of brackets which include: stainless steel, tooth colored ceramic or plastic. In some cases brackets are cemented to the back of the teeth to hide them from view.
  • Orthodontic bands: Bands that are cemented or bonded to the teeth. They wrap around each tooth providing an anchor for the brackets. The clear or tooth colored bands are more expensive options for those who are looking to keep them discreet. They are not used on every patient but only on those who orthodontists see fit for.
  • Spacers: Separators that fit between teeth creating a small space before the placement of bands.
  • Arch Wire: all Tarzana braces have arch wires that attach to the brackets and act as tracks to guide the movement of the teeth. Arch wires too can be made of metal a patient can chose a more expensive but cosmetically appealing option.
  • Ties: small rubber rings or wire that tighten the arch wire to the brackets.
  • Bruccal tube: a bruccal tube is placed on the band of the last tooth and holds the end of each wire securely.
  • Rubber bands: also called ligatures hold each wire to the bracket.
  • Springs: are sometimes placed on the arch wires between brackets to push, pull, open or close the spaces between teeth.
Sometimes for severe cases of crocked teeth, under or over bite included on the braces is head gear.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist – Dental Implants over View

Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist

Dental implants are artificial tooth replacements made out porcelain used to replace lost or broken teeth. The process is categorized as cosmetic and there for falls under cosmetic surgery procedures in which most cases are not covered by insurance. Although there are several different options for restorative dental treatment of missing teeth, none can compare to the functional effectiveness and durability of dental implants. In many cases, dental implants may be the only logical choice for the restoration of all necessary functionality of the teeth and supporting structures. People who are interested in dental implants are more commonly those who have lost teeth. One can lose their teeth for several reasons: Tooth Decay, Root canal failure, Periodontist (gum disease), congenital defects, and excessive wear and tear.

Leading Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist say that those who have lost teeth and fail to replace them can suffer other health issues stemming from the lack of teeth. Missing teeth can cause biting irregularities that have negative affects on gums and eating habits. Whether or not a person has severe teeth loss dental implants can provide a simple remedy that may save a persons entire mouth, smile and self esteem. Implants have proven to be stronger and more durable than all other restorative methods including bridges and dentures. Implants offer a more permanent solution than all other restorative methods. Unlike other restorative methods in many places including Encino dental implants carry the actual possibility of being able to last a life time and have lasted that long for several patients. Implants maybe used together with other restorative methods in order to provide maximum effectiveness. A single implant can serve to support a dental crown replacing a single missing tooth. Bridges tend o fail and Dental implants can also be used to support a bridge, dental crown, and dentures. With dentures dental implants can be used to increase stability and reduce gum tissue and irritation.

Encino dentist say that procedural advancements in the world of dental implants are occurring more often and this shoes the increased interest in dental implants. Also, more people are finding themselves candidates for such a procedure. Not all dentist agree on who is and isn’t candidate for this procedure some dentist may lead their patients to opt for some less expensive. Although dental implants may be costly, Tarzana cosmetic dentist inform their patients about the already great and still increasing success rate of dental implants. There is no guarantee that an implant procedure will be successful, but studies have shown a five year, ninety-five percent success rates in the upper jaw and ninety percent success rate in the lower jaw. The difference in percentage is due to the lack of density in the lower jaw. However; those who do not experience any problems in the first six months will usually never experience a problem.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cosmetic dentist Tarzana - What a cosmetic dentist can do for you

Cosmetic dentist studio city

It is never too late to fix what a makes a person most self conscience. There is no reason to go through life feeling too shy in every social situation. For most people as they get older if their teeth weren’t fixed as kids they feel too embarrassed to have mouth full of metal or even walk around with a swollen mouth past the teenager years. Although it might be embarrassing only because such thing might make a person look younger the end result is what makes the tiny embarrassment all worth it. Traditional braces are also not the only type of braces that help align the teeth. Leading Cosmetic dentist Tarzana suggest invisible braces for their patients who are older and want an alternative to traditional braces. Teeth Alignment and reparation are critical to a person’s appearance and there are several ways of going about having ones teeth fixed.

Cosmetic dentist woodland Hills

For other adults having their teeth aligned is the least of their problems. Leading Cosmetic dentist studio city offer several dental treatment options for those looking to fix their teeth. Perfecting ones smile does not only have to mean align but replacing missing teeth or whiten stained teeth. Leading Cosmetic dentist woodland Hills say that the most requested dental procedure is teeth whitening. Many of people feel self conscience about their coffee of cigarette stained teeth and whitening can guarantee that the teeth will be shades lighter as the end result. According leading Cosmetic dentist Encino many of these dental procedures are simple and affordable, but most people are not aware of all there is out there to treat the teeth.

Another highly desired dental procedure is bonding. Bonding is often used to repair discolored teeth but has many other uses as well such as: repair chipped or crack teeth, repair decayed teeth, closes spaces between teeth, change the shape of teeth, make teeth longer, when gums recede bonding is often used to protect the root of the tooth. Repairing ones teeth is not only done to boost self esteem but also to keep the healthy teeth intact. When a tooth decays or falls out the teeth around it begin to take on the same effect and become loose and are more likely to fall out. It is also likely that the gums begin the decaying process as well, and this is why it is important to never have missing teeth and make full repairs to any cavities, root canals, or other decaying teeth. Fixing ones teeth might be embarrassing in the moment and having a mouth full of metal or even a swollen mouth might only be embarrassment for the moment but will come with the great reward of a higher self esteem. Being able to have a full bright white smile will also bring about a new found confident in social situations.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist - Roads to a Straighter, Brighter Smile

Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist

Southern California residents have many options when visiting their Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist. Most offices offer many different services and speaking with a local cosmetic dentist can help one to decide what is best for them.

Often, the first experience children have with dentistry is braces. When choosing an orthodontist to fit a child for braces Encino parents often speak to several different people. Many parents also go to an orthodontist who was recommended to them by a friend or a dentist. Usually a dentist is the best source but online research is also a good idea, especially in the Los Angeles area because there are so many orthodontists and cosmetic dentists. There are many reasons to get a child braces while he or she is still a young child. Orthodontists can intercept jaw growth problems, reduce the need to extract adult teeth, guide the permanent teeth into a better position, and preserve or gain space for adult teeth. Getting braces at a more advanced age means that the teeth are locked into position and take longer to move with braces.

Porcelain veneers can be the perfect solution for adults young and old. They are extremely thin casings of ceramic that are bonded to the front of the patient’s tooth. If someone asks about veneers Encino cosmetic dentists will probably tell the patient that veneers are not only for people with extremely damage or discolored teeth. For many patients, chipped or slightly crooked teeth are extremely negative to their self image. A new, straight, white smile can do wonders for someone with low self esteem. Some cosmetic dentists have described porcelain veneers as a “dental face lift,” a new, attractive smile that can last a long time if properly taken care of. Porcelain veneers are made of a type of ceramic which makes the teeth look very natural. In addition, they resist staining from coffee or cigarettes. Breakage of the veneers is rare but can occur when eating very hard foods or grinding at night.

Another way to improve ones smile is teeth whitening. As people age, teeth stains are inevitable. From eating and drinking to smoking, there are innumerable ways by which the teeth can become discolored. Like porcelain veneers, teeth whitening can transform a smile. However, when it comes to teeth whitening Tarzana cosmetic dentists will advise patients that the effects are not permanent. Their effects can be stunning, but the process must be renewed to maintain results. In addition, people with sensitive teeth or gums should always consult their dentist before beginning any teeth whitening program. Today there are many different methods of whitening one’s teeth; however, there are many sources of information which people can access to find out what method is right for them.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Should I get Braces?

Woodland Hills Braces
Orthodontic treatment has come a long way since the days of heavy metal wires and brackets, bulky headgear and the associated "nerd factor." Today's teenagers get more than straight teeth at the doctor's office -- they get fashion accessories says Woodland Hills Braces expert.

Beyond their traditional color, the only thing traditional about braces is that you can see them. According to Woodland cosmetic dentist, contemporary braces are made of super strong metal alloys derived from the space program. Their strength allows them to be the smallest of all braces and therefore the most comfortable. Their density makes them ultra slippery so teeth move faster than they ever have before. Today's braces, in combination with other high tech materials mean fewer office visits to complete treatment says Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist.

Ceramic braces utilize less noticeable brackets for patients concerned about aesthetic appearances. Ceramic brackets are translucent, so they blend in with your natural tooth color. This means that unlike traditional stainless steel braces, with ceramic braces your smile will not look 'metallic.' In addition, ceramic brackets are designed so that they won't stain or discolor over long periods of time. An orthodontist can let you know if you are a candidate for ceramic braces says tooth whitening Encino specialist.

Cost of Braces
Cost of having orthodontic treatment can vary depending on the complexity of the needed treatment, but it can start as low as $1,250. It is best to have a complete consultation done at which point we explain the cost in detail. Call for a FREE Consultation!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Braces & Adults

Children dentistAccording to the American Association of Orthodontists, one in five orthodontic patients is an adult 18 and older. More than 1 million adults are getting orthodontic treatment now and that is up almost 60 percent from 10 years ago. The days when braces were only for affluent kids are gone, more and more adults are deciding it’s not too late to fix dental problems or transform their smiles for cosmetic reasons says Children dentist.

Some adults mentioned that during their childhood years their parents couldn’t afford braces and have always hated their teeth growing up, so getting proper orthodontic treatment now is something they can do for themselves. Some also believe their teeth’s appearance hurt them professionally. In the job market, your appearance matter and your smile is one of the first things that people notices. Not everyone gets braces for aesthetic reasons, for others, the motivation is correcting dental problems such as a bad bit, which causes abnormal tooth wear, difficult chewing and damage to bone and gum tissue says Tarzana cosmetic dentist.

Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist says that ceramic braces are most popular among adults because the color matches with teeth color are much less visible then regular braces. Another popular type of treatment among adults is clear removable aligners that are molded to fit over the teeth called Invisalign.

Although many adults are getting orthodontic treatment Woodland Hills dental implants expert noticed that adults are likely to have gum disease or worn, damaged missing teeth that can make treatment more difficult. If you are someone who is interest in getting adult orthodontic treatment, contact.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Unhappy About Your Smile?

Tarzana dentistYour smile is one of your greatest assets says Tarzana dentist. Not only is it pleasing to look at, it also boosts your self-confidence and increases your chances for success in the business world and social settings.

It’s important to remember that healthy teeth start at an early. To achieve a happy healthy smile, it’s important to visit your dentist at least twice a year. If your smile has serious dental problems, more than two visits may be recommended for a smile makeover says Studio City dentist.

Tarzana cosmetic dentist says that practicing good oral care means includes: brushing 3 times a day, flossing, and limiting the amount of sweets you eat so that your tooth doesn’t collect any cavities. Often times, most people neglect the recommended visits per year to their Encino dentist until they get toothaches. With that, cavities may have occurred, erosion may have formed or irregular teeth shifting where surgical attention is needed.Make sure to visit your dentist as often as needed.

When your smile is beautiful, you feel beautiful, and people notice that.