Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cosmetic Dentistry: A smile can send happy signals to the brain

Encino dentistNot everyone is born with a perfect smile but we don’t have to go through life with dental imperfections. Encino dentist says that cosmetic dental care is all about making your teeth look fabulous and many people and celebrities are having their teeth done for this very reason. Cosmetic dentistry can be very costly, but the result makes it worthwhile. After all who wouldn't want great looking tooth.

Cosmetic dental care is a choice, unlike general dentistry which needs special attention says Veneers Tarzana specialist. People get cosmetic surgery for many different reasons, mostly because they feel the need to change something about their teeth. For example, if one has very crooked teeth or noticeable gaps between them, the dental procedure to correct them would be porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers definitely do wonders. It reshapes your teeth to create a beautiful and attractive smile.

Another popular cosmetic procedure is Invisalign. Invisalign is a fairly new cosmetic procedure which is very similar to braces. Invisalign straightens teeth with removable clear custom molded aligners which are changed every two weeks. Therefore, week by week, little by little your teeth will move until they move into the final position your orthodontist has prescribed. Invisalign Tarzana treatment can completely reshape and your teeth and smile make to look stunning no matter what state they are in.

If you are interested in cosmetic dentistry, contact a Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist. The cosmetic dentist will then give you a dental examination to determine if your expectations are feasible, if not he will discuss your options and try to give you a realistic desired result. One thing for sure you will come out looking and feeling fantastic.