Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cosmetic Dentistry: A smile can send happy signals to the brain

Encino dentistNot everyone is born with a perfect smile but we don’t have to go through life with dental imperfections. Encino dentist says that cosmetic dental care is all about making your teeth look fabulous and many people and celebrities are having their teeth done for this very reason. Cosmetic dentistry can be very costly, but the result makes it worthwhile. After all who wouldn't want great looking tooth.

Cosmetic dental care is a choice, unlike general dentistry which needs special attention says Veneers Tarzana specialist. People get cosmetic surgery for many different reasons, mostly because they feel the need to change something about their teeth. For example, if one has very crooked teeth or noticeable gaps between them, the dental procedure to correct them would be porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers definitely do wonders. It reshapes your teeth to create a beautiful and attractive smile.

Another popular cosmetic procedure is Invisalign. Invisalign is a fairly new cosmetic procedure which is very similar to braces. Invisalign straightens teeth with removable clear custom molded aligners which are changed every two weeks. Therefore, week by week, little by little your teeth will move until they move into the final position your orthodontist has prescribed. Invisalign Tarzana treatment can completely reshape and your teeth and smile make to look stunning no matter what state they are in.

If you are interested in cosmetic dentistry, contact a Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist. The cosmetic dentist will then give you a dental examination to determine if your expectations are feasible, if not he will discuss your options and try to give you a realistic desired result. One thing for sure you will come out looking and feeling fantastic.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

When was the last time you visited the dentist?

Woodland Hills Cosmetic Dentist We all know visiting a dentist at least twice a year is recommended, however most people fail to visit because of work, school, kids or other matters says Encino dentist. As a result, a majority of us would only turn to our Tarzana dentist as our last resort or after years of neglecting our teeth. The simple house remedies will work only for so long until there is no other choice but to see a dentist. It is important to maintain your teeth in a healthy condition and getting regular check-ups is a must.

If you feel a need to make some improvements in your smile, it may help to know that you are not alone. There are a variety of dental services offered by Woodland Hills Cosmetic Dentist specialists that can improve your smile and brighten your teeth.

Most of us start out with sparking white teeth and porcelain-like enamel surface. Then over time enamel is worn down, becoming more noticeable and the yellow color of dentin slowly shows. With a teeth whitening Encino session, The Zoom can whiten an average of 8 shades in just 45 minutes. This procedure allows patients to achieve their brightest smile in less than an hour without interfering with their hectic schedules.

Just like other physical characteristic on our body, our teeth need attention too! Make the effort to prioritize your teeth and confidently flash your bright smile.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Want Perfect Teeth With A Beautiful Smile?

Tarzana dentistIf your answer is yes, Veneers might be what you are looking for says Woodland Hills Cosmetic Dentist. With Veneers, not only do you gain a beautiful and natural smile, but they can also transform your entire outlook on life by giving you confidence.

What are Veneers?

Veneers are individually handcrafted wafer-thin lamintates or shells of tooth-colored material. Encino dentist says that Veneers are “cemented” to the front surface of teeth to improve their cosmetic appearance says Tarzana Veneers cosmetic dentist. Many Tarzana dentists use the analogy that dental veneers are like what false fingernails are for your hands. Veneers change your whole smile and shape, color, alignment and are designed to cover stains, close gaps and straighten teeth. The most popular type of veneers is porcelain which is stronger and more durable than the other types of veneers. Porcelain veneers are also the most natural looking and lasts the longest. If you have been looking for instant orthodontics that requires a fraction of the time of braces, Porcelain Veneers is definitely an option to consider.

If you would like more information on the different types of dental options available for a smile makeover, contact your cosmetic dentist today for a free consultation.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Traditional or Clear Braces?

Invisalign TarzanaBraces are used for aligning teeth. Braces consist of brackets that are bonded to the teeth, and arch wires are threaded through the brackets. Tarzana cosmetic dentist says that the arch wires track hold together and guide each tooth to its position. There are several types of braces available, including the traditional metal braces, ceramic "tooth-colored" braces, and clear plastic braces (Invisalign Tarzana).

Traditional braces - The only thing traditional about these braces is that you can see them. Contemporary braces are made of super strong metal alloys derived from the space program. Their strength allows them to be the smallest of all braces and therefore the most comfortable. Encino dentist makes them ultra slippery so teeth move faster than they ever have before. Today's braces, in combination with other high tech materials mean fewer office visits to complete treatment.

Clear braces – Ceramic braces utilize less noticeable brackets for patients concerned about aesthetic appearances. Ceramic brackets are translucent, so they blend in with your natural tooth color. This means that unlike traditional stainless steel braces, with ceramic braces your smile will not look 'metallic.' In addition, ceramic brackets are designed so that they won't stain or discolor over long periods of time.

Invisalign - is a new system of straightening teeth without the use of conventional braces. A series of clear plastic aligners are utilized to create tooth movement. Moving teeth with removable aligners is not new. However, the computer program, which can generate a series of aligners with small changes is the new part. Invisalign is recommended for orthodontic situations with mild to moderate spacing or crowding. They are virtually undetectable, easy to use and comfortable to wear. The best part is that they don't show in the photos when you smile.

If you would like improve your smile and jaw alignment problems, contact a Woodland Hills braces specialist for a free consultation and learn about the different options available.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Cosmetic Dentistry

Glendale Dentist Our face represents what we are. Sometimes unfortunate incidents like a disease, accident, or genetic disorder can cause it to look disfigured which can directly affect the psychological state of a being. A qualified Glendale Dentist in California can help you in correcting your mouth and jaw expressions to ensure that you can smile easy, anytime you want.

In some cases disfiguration is so much that a person has to get it treated. According to Cosmetic Dentist Eagle Rock this is where cosmetic dentistry can play an important role. Cosmetic implies using some procedures to improve the overall contour of the body, be it face, arms, legs, back, or stomach.

A cosmetic surgery has a deep social and psychological affect on individuals. It gives them confidence that they are looking just like anyone else and sometimes better that the people of their own age.

Cosmetic dentistry also includes sinus augmentation, which is for people with lower jaw bones. Due to lower bones, teeth become the most prominent feature of the face and for those who don’t have good teeth (missing tooth or yellow layer on them) this can be a cause of huge embarrassment. Pasedena Sinus Augmentation is a procedure using which a bone is grafted in the upper jaw to make it taller.

This treatment has been performed dentists for over two decades with huge success records. It is now considered a predicted and highly acceptable method of bone grafting. Using autogenous bone for grafting gives fastest results and is recommended by many cosmetic surgeons around the world.

Gone are the days when there were very few dentists in the industry who worked for the special class of Encino. A suitable Cosmetic Dentist Encino does not differentiate between his patients and treats everyone with the same respect and dignity.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sinus Augmentation: What is a Sinus Lift?

cosmetic dentist PasadenaLoss of back teeth may result in excessive forces being placed on your remaining teeth. Fortunately, the use of dental implants and crowns allow you to replace these missing teeth says cosmetic dentist Pasadena. However, the position of the sinus in the upper posterior areas may be too low for proper placement of dental implants.

Encino sinus lift is a simple procedure which allows the sinus floor to be repositioned, creating enough space to properly place an implant. Various grafting materials are used to encourage your bone to grow more quickly into the area, helping to stabilize the dental implant. Replace with your own bone in this area the grafting material as it grows into the area.

According to Encino dentist, under certain conditions, an even simpler procedure can be utilized. When possible, the bone remaining under the sinus floor is gently pushed up, thus lifting the floor of the dropped sinus. Bone replacement materials are then placed beneath this lifted bone. Once again the bone materials are replaced as your body grow new bone into this area.

Sinus augmentation procedures are highly predictable, with studies reporting over 95% success. Following sufficient healing of a sinus augmentation Encino (6-10 months), implants are placed in a predictable and successful manner. It is important to realize that if the sinus augmentation procedure does not result in enough bone for implant placement, additional bone may be regenerated through a second sinus augmentation procedure at the time of implant placement.

If you would like more information of sinus augmentation contact a cosmetic dentist for a free consultation.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Porcelain Veneers: Natural Looking Smiles

Encino dentis

Do the gaps in your teeth or teeth that are stained, badly shaped or crooked bother you? According to Encino dentist, a veneer placed on top of your teeth can correct the mistake and help you to have a beautiful smile.

Porcelain Veneers can be the perfect way to create a smile that is natural looking and that will last says Dr. Marcarian, Eagle Rock dentist. The porcelain gives your smile a look that is bright, smooth and that looks like natural teeth. Porcelain veneers are specially designed for each patient so that the fit is perfect for your teeth. They are thin shells of porcelain ceramic that covers the front of the teeth. Eagle Rock cosmetic dentist says that the process is usually considered irreversible because the natural enamel on your teeth is removed so that the porcelain veneers can take its place.

Your cosmetic dentist Encino may recommend that you avoid some foods and beverages that may stain or discolor your veneers such as coffee, tea or red wine. Sometimes a veneer might chip or fracture. But for many people the results are more than worth it.

If you would like more information on veneers, contact your cosmetic dentist for a free consultation.

Friday, June 19, 2009

What Your Dental Health Says About You

dentist Encino

It's easy to ignore the effects of poor oral hygiene because they're hidden in your mouth. But gum disease produces a bleeding, infected wound that can be equal in size to the palms of both your hands.

Some may think that the worst consequence of poor dental health would be lost teeth and painful times at the dental office says dentist Encino. According to Encino orthodontist some studies have linked common oral problems to illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, premature birth, osteoporosis, and even Alzheimer's disease.

It may be hard to tell if you have a mild case of gum disease. Healthy gums are pink and firm, fit snugly around the teeth, and do not bleed easily says Encino dentist. But mild cases of gum disease (gingivitis) cause:

Gums that are red, swollen, and tender.

Gums that bleed easily during brushing or flossing.

As gum disease gets worse (periodontitis), the symptoms are easier to see, such as:

Gums that pull away or shrink from the teeth.

Bad breath that won't go away.

Pus coming from the gums.

A change in how your teeth fit together when you bite.

Loose teeth.

Dental health is important for preserving overall health says veneers Encino specialist. If you think you have a mild case of gum disease, make sure to take care of it before it gets worse and contact your dentist today. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy and getting regular checkups from your dentist can keep the disease from getting worse.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Would you use Superglue to fix your teeth?

A mother of three named September Williamson from Colorado felt like she had no other option so she decided use superglue to cement in her false teeth because couldn’t afford the dental work. A few months after the story got around an Encino dentist says that a cosmetic dentist from Los Angeles decided to step in and help.

In March, Williamson was in tears when she told KKCO she had to use superglue to keep her teeth from falling out. Williamson had insurance, but it didn't cover the thousands of dollars in work she needed. Her dental insurance only covered $1000.00 and the work she needed costs $8,500.00 After a story aired in Colorado, hundreds of emails were sent to help Williamson says Encino cosmetic dentist. Then, a Los Angeles cosmetic dentist offered a great solution which Williamson was willing to take. It took lots of planning and a weekend in Los Angeles, but now Williamson has a new smile.

It took 40 hours of dental work, but Williamson says it was worth the pain. "I can eat normally now," Wiliamson says, "I have higher self esteem, more energy now. So, I'm working out and I'm taking better care of myself."

According to Encino Orthodontist, he has patients coming in for similar dilemmas and feel like they have to make a choice between taking care of their teeth or taking care of their children. Your teeth are important part of your body and needs regular dental care says Encino Orthodontics. People shouldn’t have to feel forced to choose their teeth or their children, there is always other ways to work things out.

The best thing to do is to talk to your dentist and work out a payment plan instead of going to desperate measures which could make the situation worse.

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bad Dental Health Can Provoke Medical Problems

A healthy mouth and a healthy body go hand in hand. Good dental health is more than just cosmetic, it is the overall maintenance of the body says Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist. According to the Surgeon General Report on Oral Health, there are clear connections between chronic oral infections and heart and lung diseases, stroke, low-birth-weight and premature births. Oral health and general health are inseparable, a lot of people ignore signs and symptoms of oral disease and dysfunction. A person cannot be healthy without oral health says Encino cosmetic dentist.

According to Lead Dental Assistant Christine Chapman, “Oral prevention is like changing oil in a car, instead of waiting and having to change the transmission, you get regular oil changes to keep the car running. If you don’t get cleanings, you may end up paying more for services, like a root canal.”

Woodland Hills braces orthodontist recommends scheduling cleanings every six months. The reason why dentists recommend every six months is because that is when cavities start to grow. Getting a check-up every six months gives room to catch infections before they get worse.

Tarzana cosmetic dentist says the following is good care for oral hygiene:

• Brush your teeth twice a day with ADA-accepted fluoride toothpaste. Replace your toothbrush every three or four months or if the bristles are frayed.

• Clean between teeth daily with floss. This helps remove plaque and food particles between the teeth and under the gum line.

• Eat a balanced diet and limit between-meal snacks.

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

If you have missing teeth, did you know that you are losing bone?

According to Encino cosmetic dentist, losing one or more of your teeth starts a chain of events that can have dire physical and cosmetic consequences, and the most obvious result of this is a gap in your smile. Less obvious is the loss of chewing function and the inability to eat a complete diet. While these are certainly serious issues, a potentially bigger problem lies hidden beneath the surface: bone loss.

Without the tooth to stimulate the jaw, the bone beneath it will begin to atrophy in the same way that muscle underneath a cast gets smaller. Your facial bone supports the skin and muscles on top of it, so the loss of bone volume can result in the premature aging of your face. Dental implants offer a long-term solution to stop bone loss and help you maintain a healthy, youthful appearance both inside and out says Tarzana cosmetic dentist.

The conventional treatment options for tooth replacement such as Crown and Bridge and full or partial dentures address the short-term cosmetic problem of missing teeth, but do nothing to prevent further loss of bone and its long-term effects. In addition, Dr. Gevik Marcarian, cosmetic dentist Encino says that Crown and Bridge techniques require that two or more healthy teeth be ground down to serve as anchors for a bridge, leaving those healthy teeth at greater risk for cavities and endodontic failure. If those teeth fail, more healthy teeth must be sacrificed to serve as anchors while you continue to lose bone beneath the bridge, so you can see the potential for persistent dental problems.

On the contrary, Dental Implants allow your healthy teeth to remain intact, and like natural teeth, they transmit chewing forces to the jaw, stimulating it and halting the process of bone loss associated with missing teeth.

Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist says that modern Dental Implants make use of Titanium, beneficial because it is not only lightweight and strong, but also because it is not rejected by the body. Most Dental Implants are titanium screws which are placed into the jaw bone in a relatively pain-free procedure. Implant placement is less traumatic than extraction of teeth. The implant will then serve as an anchor for a custom-made tooth crown that will be attached to it, and once the crown is in place, it will be virtually impossible to tell it apart from your natural teeth.

What can you expect?

Your Dental Implant treatment can be broken down into four phases:

s Treatment Planning

s Implant Placement

s Crown Placement

s Hygiene Maintenance

X-rays will be taken and a model of your existing teeth will be created to determine how the implant should be placed. Occasionally a bone or gum tissue graft may be needed to provide an adequate site for placement. The implant will then be placed in the bone and given time to heal before attachment of the crown, though in some cases you can receive a temporary crown the same day. The final crown is usually placed 3-6 months after implant placement.

The most important role you will play in ensuring the long-term success of your implant is maintaining your dental hygiene. You will receive specific instructions for brushing and flossing the area and will be placed on a regular check-up cycle. Although dental implants may sometimes have a higher initial cost than conventional treatment options, studies have shown that they have a lower lifetime cost which can be spread out over the course of your treatment. And considering that implants help you to maintain bone and protect your youthful appearance, the results will be priceless.

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sedation Dentistry – It is for real

It has been ages since I have last visited a dentist. It is a lot due to my fear of the unknown, in this case specifically the dentist office. I am not alone. Ask any Beverly Hills or Encino Cosmetic Dentist and they say that a majority of their patients are squeamish when it comes to dentists.

One type of treatment gaining traction in at least my friends’ circles is sedation dentistry. As per a leading Cosmetic Dentist Encino and Van Nuys based patients are now increasingly frequenting his state of art center, primarily because they can sleep through the procedure.

The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Take the stress and worry out of visiting the dentist. People with a real phobia of visiting the dentist can now have the treatment that they would normally have put off, when they need it. This positively affects that patient's health, and even their appearance.

I had heard of sleeping while making money.. but sleeping while my Los Angeles Tooth Whitening procedure is completed? Now that’s what I call progress.

I have white coat syndrome too. Maybe they can take my blood pressure when they are at it.

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.

Technorati Profile

Does your dentist check for oral cancer?

If not, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment for a check-up as soon as possible says Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist. The oral cancer foundation facts show that more than 34,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year. It will also cause 8,000 deaths, killing roughly 1 person per hour, 24 hours per day. Of those 34,000 newly diagnosed individuals, only half will be alive in 5 years. This is a number which has not significantly improved in decades. The death rate for oral cancer is higher than that of cancers which we normally hear about routinely such as cervical cancer, laryngeal cancer, cancer of the testes, endocrine system cancers such as thyroid or skin cancer.

During a dental exam, Encino cosmetic dentist Dr. Marcarian makes sure to check his patients’ neck and oral tissues for lumps, red or white patches or recurring sore areas. Screening for early changes in the oral tissue can help detect at a stage when it can be more successfully treated. Tarzana cosmetic dentist says that usually only 15 percent of dentists actually do an oral cancer screening, however it should be standard care. In some cases, even the exams are difficult because by the time something is found, it’s too late.

Whether you are going to too see your Woodland Hills braces dentist for a regular visit or simply check up on a toothache make sure to ask if your dentist to check for oral cancer, if they haven’t already done so.

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Ultimate Teeth Whitening – Zoom

Hello Encino, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Tarzana, Woodland Hills Zoom

has arrived!

Zoom! The name made popular by Extreme Makeover is now in your friendly neighborhood. Encino Teeth Whitening customers can now enjoy the painless, quick way to a beautiful smile.

Over time all our teeth tend to become discolored or stained. Some of us smoke while others drink coffee or eat other food which stains the teeth over time. For people from Tarzana, Sherman Oaks and Woodland Hills teeth whitening is now also chic, as they flock to Encino dentist Dr. Marcarian.

How does this work?

The first step is to isolate the teeth and protect the gums and lips. When this has been accomplished, the whitening gel is placed on the teeth. The gel is activated by a specially designed light that is directed at the teeth. The entire procedure takes just over an hour. The results are usually between 6 and 10 shades whiter.

So next time you need teeth whitening in the valley, do consider Dr. Marcarian and go zoom! Zoom! to a beautiful smile.

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.

A beautiful smile definitely warms a heart.

Teeth are not only important for the beauty of a person but also play a significant role in the overall well being of a person. A nice smile gives a person more confidence and makes a person seem more approachable. I didn’t realize this importance until high school. During my childhood years, I always avoided smiling for the camera. It wasn’t that I was camera shy, but it was because I felt like my teeth were ugly and crooked and if people saw them they would laugh. The reason why my teeth were ugly, was partly my fault. When my mom used to urge me to brush my teeth twice a day and floss I would rush through the whole process so that I can return to playing. After a few years of neglecting proper procedures, my teeth started to weaken and decay. It became a serious problem and I ended up having to go under sedation Tarzana for my Sherman Oaks dental implants. Then by the time I was a freshmen, my family dentist recommended me to a local orthodontist for Woodland Hills braces or Invisalign. Braces and Invisalign perform the same function. The difference is that braces are visible aligners and Invisalign are clear aligners. I ended up going with Invisalign Encino for three years and it was well worth it after seeing my wonderful results. I never knew how smiling could affect me but I feel much more confident and happy!

Dental care is vital in order to keep teeth in a healthy condition. With the weak economy, many families have been neglecting dental needs for themselves and also their kids. Everyone should be aware of dental care and it importance in daily life.

Growing up we were taught that brushing teeth twice a day can help in keeping our teeth in good condition. But some people neglect this basic face and invites dental problems which may need extra care with Sherman Oaks dental implants.

When dental problems occur, Dentists employ different techniques depending on the problem and the age of the person. Dentists also provide cosmetic dental services such as removal of stains from the teeth, bridging gaps, polishing and restoring worn out teeth and altering the shape or length of the teeth.

Detection of dental problems as early as possible is necessary to avoid major problems which require expensive treatment. An individual insurance insurance is important as a part of a health care package. The main aim of family dental care is to prevent such situations which can be corrected early to make it less expensive. Each family dental insurance differs from each other as it changes according to the requirements and the total costs involved in the treatment of a person. Most of the insurance plans provide discounts on routine care in order to encourage patients to visit the doctor for an oral examination.

A dental insurance is necessary to meet the requirements without being expensive. Check all the internet resource to get an ideal family dental insurance. Find an affordable family dental insurance and enroll in that insurance. The positive side of searching online is that you can take your own time to look in to the features of the dental insurance that can meet the needs of your family. Find a insurance that can meet your requirements and compare its advantages to other family dental insurance. You have to find out the pricing and discounts on services like cosmetic dentistry, invisible braces and dental prescription coverage. Pre-existing dental problems are not usually covered in a family dental insurance.

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Smile Definitely Makes Communication Easier

I work for a public relations firm and I constantly meet people every day. I started to notice that a simple smile can go a long way. It can impact not only a personal relationship but also a business one. A beautiful smile definitely makes communication easier. I have a decently bright smile but as I’ve gotten older my teeth started to shift and I may need to consult my Los Angeles Instant Orthodontics for braces or Invisalign to straighten out my teeth. Other than that, I’m pretty good at keeping good maintenance with my teeth at home. Visiting my Tarzana dentist twice a year as recommended can be hard to fit into my schedule but during my last visit to Encino cosmetic dentist, I got my teeth whiten in less than an hour and 8 shades whiter with Zoom! Whitening. Teeth is considered as important as any other part of the body. No one likes major work done on their teeth so neglecting the dentist and poor maintanence will definitely lead a person to Sherman Oaks dental implants. My new year’s resolution is to keep good dental care habits, visit the dentist twice and flash my bright smile daily!
Would you care for a smile that is stained?A smile reveals happiness, warmth, trust, confidence, and encouragement among other things. However, a smile that flashes stained teeth may offend its receiver, thereby leaving no scope for the noble intention behind the smile to disclose. Dental care, thus, is no longer only about hygiene and personal grooming but also about conveying the right emotion.
Following a proper dental care routine is the most integral part of personal grooming which further constitutes your bearing while communicating or networking in person. While a beautiful smile leaves a lasting impression, a stained or smelly smile can break off a relationship or business prospect forever. Worried? Fix an appointment with your dentist today.

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.