Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Want Perfect Teeth With A Beautiful Smile?

Tarzana dentistIf your answer is yes, Veneers might be what you are looking for says Woodland Hills Cosmetic Dentist. With Veneers, not only do you gain a beautiful and natural smile, but they can also transform your entire outlook on life by giving you confidence.

What are Veneers?

Veneers are individually handcrafted wafer-thin lamintates or shells of tooth-colored material. Encino dentist says that Veneers are “cemented” to the front surface of teeth to improve their cosmetic appearance says Tarzana Veneers cosmetic dentist. Many Tarzana dentists use the analogy that dental veneers are like what false fingernails are for your hands. Veneers change your whole smile and shape, color, alignment and are designed to cover stains, close gaps and straighten teeth. The most popular type of veneers is porcelain which is stronger and more durable than the other types of veneers. Porcelain veneers are also the most natural looking and lasts the longest. If you have been looking for instant orthodontics that requires a fraction of the time of braces, Porcelain Veneers is definitely an option to consider.

If you would like more information on the different types of dental options available for a smile makeover, contact your cosmetic dentist today for a free consultation.

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