Thursday, September 17, 2009

Traditional or Clear Braces?

Invisalign TarzanaBraces are used for aligning teeth. Braces consist of brackets that are bonded to the teeth, and arch wires are threaded through the brackets. Tarzana cosmetic dentist says that the arch wires track hold together and guide each tooth to its position. There are several types of braces available, including the traditional metal braces, ceramic "tooth-colored" braces, and clear plastic braces (Invisalign Tarzana).

Traditional braces - The only thing traditional about these braces is that you can see them. Contemporary braces are made of super strong metal alloys derived from the space program. Their strength allows them to be the smallest of all braces and therefore the most comfortable. Encino dentist makes them ultra slippery so teeth move faster than they ever have before. Today's braces, in combination with other high tech materials mean fewer office visits to complete treatment.

Clear braces – Ceramic braces utilize less noticeable brackets for patients concerned about aesthetic appearances. Ceramic brackets are translucent, so they blend in with your natural tooth color. This means that unlike traditional stainless steel braces, with ceramic braces your smile will not look 'metallic.' In addition, ceramic brackets are designed so that they won't stain or discolor over long periods of time.

Invisalign - is a new system of straightening teeth without the use of conventional braces. A series of clear plastic aligners are utilized to create tooth movement. Moving teeth with removable aligners is not new. However, the computer program, which can generate a series of aligners with small changes is the new part. Invisalign is recommended for orthodontic situations with mild to moderate spacing or crowding. They are virtually undetectable, easy to use and comfortable to wear. The best part is that they don't show in the photos when you smile.

If you would like improve your smile and jaw alignment problems, contact a Woodland Hills braces specialist for a free consultation and learn about the different options available.


  1. Invisalign is becoming more and more popular and people recoginize the benefits of straightening teeth invisibly.

  2. After consulting my cosmetic dentist (Chicago), I'm opting for Invisalign in correcting and aligning my crooked teeth. I like the idea of getting my teeth straightened without the sight of metals.

    It's a good thing that things just keep better with cosmetic dentistry. Chicago, together with other major cities, has always been catching up with the latest trends in improving people's smiles.

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