Monday, July 20, 2009

Porcelain Veneers: Natural Looking Smiles

Encino dentis

Do the gaps in your teeth or teeth that are stained, badly shaped or crooked bother you? According to Encino dentist, a veneer placed on top of your teeth can correct the mistake and help you to have a beautiful smile.

Porcelain Veneers can be the perfect way to create a smile that is natural looking and that will last says Dr. Marcarian, Eagle Rock dentist. The porcelain gives your smile a look that is bright, smooth and that looks like natural teeth. Porcelain veneers are specially designed for each patient so that the fit is perfect for your teeth. They are thin shells of porcelain ceramic that covers the front of the teeth. Eagle Rock cosmetic dentist says that the process is usually considered irreversible because the natural enamel on your teeth is removed so that the porcelain veneers can take its place.

Your cosmetic dentist Encino may recommend that you avoid some foods and beverages that may stain or discolor your veneers such as coffee, tea or red wine. Sometimes a veneer might chip or fracture. But for many people the results are more than worth it.

If you would like more information on veneers, contact your cosmetic dentist for a free consultation.

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