Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Smile Definitely Makes Communication Easier

I work for a public relations firm and I constantly meet people every day. I started to notice that a simple smile can go a long way. It can impact not only a personal relationship but also a business one. A beautiful smile definitely makes communication easier. I have a decently bright smile but as I’ve gotten older my teeth started to shift and I may need to consult my Los Angeles Instant Orthodontics for braces or Invisalign to straighten out my teeth. Other than that, I’m pretty good at keeping good maintenance with my teeth at home. Visiting my Tarzana dentist twice a year as recommended can be hard to fit into my schedule but during my last visit to Encino cosmetic dentist, I got my teeth whiten in less than an hour and 8 shades whiter with Zoom! Whitening. Teeth is considered as important as any other part of the body. No one likes major work done on their teeth so neglecting the dentist and poor maintanence will definitely lead a person to Sherman Oaks dental implants. My new year’s resolution is to keep good dental care habits, visit the dentist twice and flash my bright smile daily!
Would you care for a smile that is stained?A smile reveals happiness, warmth, trust, confidence, and encouragement among other things. However, a smile that flashes stained teeth may offend its receiver, thereby leaving no scope for the noble intention behind the smile to disclose. Dental care, thus, is no longer only about hygiene and personal grooming but also about conveying the right emotion.
Following a proper dental care routine is the most integral part of personal grooming which further constitutes your bearing while communicating or networking in person. While a beautiful smile leaves a lasting impression, a stained or smelly smile can break off a relationship or business prospect forever. Worried? Fix an appointment with your dentist today.

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.


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